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Nadalz .
читать дальшеOrder of the Phoenix Russian premiere - For whom is it?
Russian HP fandom was cruelly deprived of the chance to properly celebrate the release of fifth Harry Potter film. Traditionally, they would watch a HP premiere in Moscow's most prestigious cinema, Pushkinskiy: most foreign films get their premiere there. But this time, all the tickets for two premiere days (19th and 20th July) were pre-ordered by some Moscow bank and distributed among its VIP clients. The cinema owners are more concerned, pretty logically, with the profits of their cinemas rather than the fans' feelings. The premiere tickets are usually expensive, not everyone can afford it. But this time around, there are no tickets at all in free distribution, for any prices!
Yes, Harry Potter is a major franchise now, and all the stuff. Yes, such pre-orders give much more income than just selling the tickets at the ticket offices. But then - whom is this premiere for? Why some rich folks, the vast majority of which doesn't give a hell about Harry Potter, get the priority over the fans? Why a film premiere, a large event, becomes a corporate party? Could you imagine, say, some English bank booking the entire cinema for a London premiere, and only allowing their clients in, and what unrest this may have caused?.. The first experience for a lot of people is ruined - just for sake of PR of some bank.
I doubt any actions can be taken at that point, but I think that the information about this situation must be shared, and as widely as possible.
На Leaky Lounge оно то ли пока, то ли вообще не прошло премодерацию... надеюсь, что пока
P.S. Пришла в голову идея для баннерной акции. Рисунок: Гарри и Волдеморт с двух сторон авадят некое абстрактное банковское здание, и подпись внизу: "Против этого зла пришлось объединиться даже нам!"