Вселенная без меня уже не та... (с)
Just one unfinished touch
Sometimes can mean so much
One unspoken word
Can haunt you again and again

Just one unfinished move
Can leave a scar for many years
That'll hurt you more and more with every day
You need to find a way to ease that pain
To make the move, to say the word
To do whatever is required to relieve the tensions
Deep inside

But when it takes too long
Something can go too wrong
Pain becomes too strong
Clouds your mind, drives you nearly insane

That one unfinished move
Can become a deadly strike
And your strength won't be enough to hold it off
That one word will become an evil curse
Or even someone's epitaph
You'll get revenge for every moment of your sufferings
But what's the use?..

When something's incomplete
You feel the need to finish it
Never stop to try
And make your life whole again


@темы: Music, Fiction